You are in a very special market where Christmas trees π are sold. Each one comes decorated with a series of very peculiar ornaments, and the price of the tree is determined by the ornaments it has.
: Snowflake - Value: 1o
: Christmas Ball - Value: 5^
: Decorative Tree - Value: 10#
: Shiny Garland - Value: 50@
: Polar Star - Value: 100Normally, you would sum up all the values of the ornaments and that's itβ¦
But, watch out! If an ornament is immediately to the left of another of greater value, instead of adding, its value is subtracted.
calculatePrice('***') // 3 (1 + 1 + 1)
calculatePrice('*o') // 4 (5 - 1)
calculatePrice('o*') // 6 (5 + 1)
calculatePrice('*o*') // 5 (-1 + 5 + 1)
calculatePrice('**o*') // 6 (1 - 1 + 5 + 1)
calculatePrice('o***') // 8 (5 + 3)
calculatePrice('*o@') // 94 (-5 - 1 + 100)
calculatePrice('*#') // 49 (-1 + 50)
calculatePrice('@@@') // 300 (100 + 100 + 100)
calculatePrice('#@') // 50 (-50 + 100)
calculatePrice('#@Z') // undefined (Z is unknown)